Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos (showcase)

In the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, the groups of Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos are one of the most dangerous elements of the landscape. These are ruthless gangs that roam devastated areas, grabbing loot and causing chaos wherever their unpleasant figures appear.

Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos were painted to the Tabletop plus standard.

Raiders are brutal and ruthless bandits who make their living by plundering and attacking the weaker. They have no scruples or principles, and the only law they follow is force. Raiders use simple and reliable weapons to fight, such as pistols, rifles, knives and machetes. Some of them also use grenades, mines or mortars to surprise and disorient the enemy. Raiders are cheap and numerous, but not very durable or disciplined.

Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos were painted to the Tabletop plus standard.

Scavvers are clever and resourceful collectors who look for useful items among garbage and waste. They can repair and improve the equipment they find, creating unusual and effective weapons. Scavvers prefer to avoid direct confrontation, preferring to shoot from a distance and take advantage of the terrain. Scavvers are more expensive and fewer in number than Raiders, but better armed and equipped.

Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos were painted to the Tabletop plus standard.

Psychos they are crazy and unpredictable warriors who have become addicted to chemicals that increase their aggression and resistance to pain. Psychos know no fear or mercy, and their only goal is to destroy everything in their path. Psychos mainly use melee weapons to fight, such as axes, chainsaws and crossbows. Some of them also have access to firearms, but they don't bother with aiming or conserving ammunition. Psychos are the most expensive and rarest of the three factions, but the most deadly and resistant.

Painting miniatures for tabletop wargames and board games is my passion and hobby. I like to give them an individual character and take care of every detail. I paint miniatures for various games, such as Warhammer 40,000, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars: Legion and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. I use high-quality paints and brushes, as well as special techniques such as shading, dry brushing and layering. My miniatures are not only pretty, but also durable and resistant to damage.

If you like my work and would like to have such miniatures on your table, please see my price list or see my other painting projects. I offer the best quality of miniature painting at affordable prices. You can order ready-made sets of figures from me or commission me to paint your own models. No matter if you are a fan of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare or another battle or board game, I will definitely find the right miniatures and colors for you.

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