MESBG - Osgiliath Veterans (Preview, Painting Instruction)

Retaking Osgiliath was a difficult task, entrusted to the bravest warriors and led by the steward's favorite son Boromir and his brother Faramir. The survivors became known as Veterans of Osgiliath, white-haired warriors who would stop at nothing to restore Osgiliath to its rightful place. Though their armor is battered and scarred, and they bear many minor wounds, their loyalty to their captains remains intact.

Osgiliath Veterans were painted in Tabletop Plus standard.

Below is the painting instructions for Osgiliath Veterans, broken down into stages in the painting order

Base / Primer:

  1. Vallejo Mecha Black Primer.

Armour, chainmail, swords, spear points, other silver elements:

  1. Leadbelcher (heavy drybrush),
  2. Runefang Steel (medium drybrush),
  3. Nuln Oil (wash),
  4. Runefang Steel (light drybrush).

Golden sword parts:

  1. Retributor Armour (layer),
  2. Reinkland Flesh Shade (shade),
  3. Runefang Steel (light drybrush).

Black cloth, shield, and spear shafts:

  1. Vallejo Model Color Black (paint over the remnants of the silver drybrush),
  2. Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey (medium edge highlight),
  3. Vallejo Model Color Stonewall Grey (light edge highlight).


  1. Vallejo Model Color Elfic Flesh (layer),
  2. Reinkland Flesh Shade (shade).

Beard / Hair:

  1. Vallejo Model Color Elfic Flesh (layer),
  2. Gore-grunta Fur / Cygor Brown / Nazdreg Yellow / Snakebite Leather / Black Templar / Space Wolfs Gray / Basilicanum Grey (layer).

Leather bags and belts:

  1. Vallejo Panzer Aces Flesh Shadows (layer),
  2. Vallejo Model Color Brown Rose (edge highlight),
  3. Nuln Oil (shade).

Coats and loincloths / sleeping bags:

  1. Vallejo Model Color Khaki (layer),
  2. Reinkland Flesh Shade (shade),
  3. Vallejo Model Color Khaki (medium layer),
  4. Vallejo Game Air Light Leather (light layer / edge highlight),
  5. Reinkland Flesh Shade (light shade).


  1. Vallejo Texture Brown Earth (terrain texture),
  2. Agrax Earthshade (shade),
  3. Vallejo Model Color Elfic Flesh (medium drybrush),
  4. Vallejo Model Color Off White (light drybrush),
  5. Mournfang Brown (layer, base edge).

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